Welcome to the Feast!

Hello, and welcome to the illustrious and captivating “about” section for Feast - a brand agency.

My name is Steve, the human behind Feast.

As someone who has had the good fortune to launch a variety of brands, I started Feast as a way to combine my passion with the energy and excitement of early stage companies.

I truly believe thoughtful branding can bring a company to life in inexplicable ways, and help ease growing pains for early stage growth. By putting an early emphasis on branding, companies can put it to work faster – and maximize their investment.

With Feast by your side, you can focus on scaling your business, while we get to work building your brand.

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 Want to turn your business into a brand?

Let’s connect for a free consultation


*All work represented on this site are projects I led and was responsible for; either as an employee, consultant or entrepreneur.

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